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David Andrick

Место работы: https://julienlubrique.com
Работает с: 1 января 2023, 00:00
Немного обо мне: fifteen years; this was ridiculous. "Jeremy, before I give you an answer, I need to make a few things clear." He nodded, folding his fingers in front of his lips in a very "I am listening to you" manner. "I'm gay. I'm not ashamed of it, and I have no intention of hiding it. If that would be an issue for you or the school, I don't want to take this any further." I made sure I didn't break eye contact. He didn't even flinch. "Ok." He waited for me to say something more, but
Мои интересы: SEO
Личный сайт: https://stilettomagazine.net

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